BioBoost Nest


  • Corrugated material provides fine nooks and crannies where bacteria flourishes
  • Dense design increases surface area available for bacterial development
  • Enclaved structure protects bacteria from excessive light and flushing events
  • BioBoost Nest and proper bioremediation with aeration and inoculation will treat:
    • pond algae
    • pond odor
    • water murkiness
    • fish kills
    • sludge buildup
    • aquatic weeds
SKU: BBNest001 Category: Tag:


BioBoost Nests are an excellent, earth-friendly way to boost the effectiveness of the bacteria in your pond. The BioBoost nest units are made in the USA and are specifically designed to create large surface area colonization sites for beneficial pond bacteria. These nests make any bacterial application that you do more effective and they allow your pond to hold greater concentrations of beneficial bacteria. The units are typically placed near your bottom aerators. The higher levels of bacteria in your pond will result less pond nutrients which means cleaner, clearer water and less algae and weeds. A Nest is a structure of patented PVC media, the same that is used in industrial wastewater treatment, but scaled for recreational ponds. Nests are scientifically proven to recruit and optimize biofilm containing denitrifying bacteria.

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Tiny, Small, Medium, Large, XLarge